What is emerald gemstone good for?
Since the dawn of time, the emerald has long been connected with rebirth, longevity, and even immortality. For example, the ancient Egyptians buried their pharaoh-gods with a treasure trove of rare emeralds as a form of protection. As a representation of clarity and insight, the green precious stone is a well-known gemstone. With the ability to change colors, it may grant its possessor premonition or forecast danger. During the Middle Ages, the emerald was thought to be able to tell whether or not a love oath had been kept. In a more literal sense, emeralds were utilized as a technique to improve one’s vision by ancient Greeks and Romans. The emerald is often referred to as a powerful stone in folklore. As an example, according to Arthurian mythology, the Holy Grail was an emerald-encrusted cup that could extend life and maintain chastity. The emerald gemstone is often referred to as a stone of truth, meaning, and long life, and this s...