Everything you need to know about Tourmalines

Tourmalines are one of the most beautiful and valuable gems on earth. Being associated with the month of October, tourmaline is also a favourable stone for the 8th wedding anniversary. In Sri Lanka, tourmalines are regarded as Sinhalese meaning ‘stone of mixed colours’. However, tourmalines are not limited to its seven top colours; stones can be colourless in just any hue or crystals. Since tourmalines stones are the highly desirable gems in the industry, we are going to discuss its history, variety, shades, and chemical properties.

Origin and history

Tourmalines are believed to be originated in Sri Lanka in 1800s. Tourmalines come in a variety of range from yellow, deep blues, greens to vivid yellows etc. people had a misconception that tourmaline is a gem but later it was identified as precious stone like rubellite or diamonds. Tourmalines are mined at different places around the world and also counted as top gems in US and the first American tourmaline was discovered in 1822 in California.  These elegant stones are globally famous, and found in Africa, Afghanistan, India, Kenya, Sri Lanka, Tanzania, Thailand etc. 

Tourmaline is a stone of many colours

Traditionally, tourmalines have been regarded as a stone of many shades and colours.  The most valuable colours in tourmaline are blues (Paribas), green and rubellite and the most common colours are neon blue, cat’s eye brown and black, which you can find at top Wholesale designer jewellery distributors[N1]  [N2] around the world. These tourmalines comes in wide range such as  Paribas,  Achroite (colourless), Buergerite, Canary, chrome tourmaline, Dravite, Elbaite, Foitite, Indicolite, Liddicoatite and many more.

Healing properties of tourmaline

Tourmaline is the official stone for Zodiac Leo. Tourmalines are believed to strengthen the inner power and promote self-confidence in wearer’s life. Every tourmaline holds unique powers, blue tourmaline is also known as indicolite are useful in treating throat issues whereas, and pink tourmaline is associated with organ heart. Egyptians used to believe that tourmaline can heal the nervous system, blood disease and lymph glands as well.

Chemical properties of tourmaline

Tourmaline has a soft surface and measured as 7.0 to 7.5 on Mohs scale, wherein diamonds are measured 10 due to its hardness. Tourmaline is considered diachronic and changes colour when viewed from the different angles which makes them more desirable among gem lovers. Tourmaline crystal is hexagonal and parallel to the main axis. The biggest crystal of tourmaline is roughly 192 carats and $25 million worth.

How tourmalines are shaped

It’s a fact that every stone of tourmaline has a colour depending upon the side of the viewer. Tourmaline crystals are long and narrow and a good cutter always try to bring best in each tourmaline.

High-quality tourmalines

Tourmaline seems to have a special place among precious stones due to its bright crystal that is available in wide range of colours. Paribas tourmalines are considered one of the most attractive gems due to its elegant blue colour, top diamond manufacturer in India offers high-quality tourmalines such as Paribas, rubellite etc. KGK group is one of the top producers of Paraiba tourmalines India, involved into gem trading since 1905.

Care for tourmalines

If you own a tourmaline you must know how to prevent it from any damage and keep it in a good shape forever. Tourmalines are considered hard stones so they are resistant to heat or any scratching. You have to take care of tourmaline considering its variety and physical properties in mind. In case of pink or red stones, avoid using any cleaning machines on the surface.


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